El comité organizador del Darwinfest tiene el agrado de comunicarles a todos que el esperado evento se llevará a cabo los días 6 y 7 de octubre del 2009 en el Aula Magna de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la UNAM.
Science & 1080
This one is cross-posted from The Daily Blog. As Hayden Donnell said
yesterday morning in The Spinoff, anti-1080 activism has become both noisy,
and ugly. ...
Creationists Targeting Teachers with Misinformation
Appalling that this would occur at an NEA meeting. Science denialism,
including as it relates to evolution, deserves a place alongside of
phrenology, and C...
linear thinking
I feel I have always been taught just enough math to get by. Since I am by
training a physicist and work in the area of medical imaging, that means
that I ...
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